Sunday, December 5, 2010

i am still here

I have been doing some rethinking. Well, actually I am still rethinking.
I don't want a photoblog, or do I?
I don't want an essayblog, or do I?

I have considered the option of writing down a set of rules for the blog. Stating some kind of purpose with the blog might help me using this blog more creative. Also I have some undefinable idealized relationship toward rules.

The first draft consisting of 10 rules has been made. The rules are rather contradictive put together, but nonetheless it is a starting point.

I) This is purely a process.
II) A red rose/nose has multiple meanings.
III) This blog can only be misread. (Thanks!)
IV) However, the receiver(s) must always be targeted.
V) There exist a tradition in any innovation.
VI) Diagonal is my preferred angle.
VII) The Internet has a serious problem! (I am not here to solve it.)
VIII) Obstacles without logic shall be the logic.
IX) Therefore, this bullet point only exist to reach a total of 10.
X) I am here to pollute.

As you probably already have noted, it might be absurd to call these for rules. First of all because must of them doesn't describe any guideline for action and, secondly, because those that actually might be characterized as a rule are so vague in their description that they must likely wont have any real effect.

The core problem about this blog, expressed by these vague defined rules/guidelines, is that I dont know what I want with the blog. From processing various post regarding design, architecture, art, etc. this blog has developed into a photoblog. I am satisfied with the change from processing other peoples post to - to some extend - contributing with my own stuff. However, the form and structure of this blog leave it as best, as a mainstream photoblog.

Before advancing further I would like to clear out, that I have no intention of creating a unique and original blog. Stating this blog as mainstream, should therefore not be understood in a way where I believe, that I can contribute to the internet with singular posts on regular basis. More-likely it is to be understood in a way, where I have realized, that from being a blog processing what I stumbled upon on the Internet, this blog has become a blog where I communicate what I came across with my camera. Rather than becoming an original or singular photoblog, I have become yet another photo processing blog.

As I am rethinking the purpose of this blog, I will be reproducing the above mentioned rules. My first task will be to eliminate those without any meaning and thereafter to make each of them more practical. If I was to choose right now, I will let the following two rules be very central:

IV) However, the receiver(s) must always be targeted.
VIII) Obstacles without logic shall be the logic.

These might be changed to something like:

I) Each post must be a response to a target.
(This could for example be another blogger's recent post or an article in a newspaper)

II) Each post must be produced under some absurd rule.
(An example of a possible rule could be no use of "a" in an entire post.)

Moreover I am quite sure I will let photos be the main way of communication.

So, I have been doing some rethinking.
Happy December.

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